Looking to teach coding in your classroom?
Here are some helpful resources and tools to get your started
Teacher Help Group
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to
[email protected]
Join our WhatsApp group and connect with other teachers from other schools near you.
Join our WhatsApp group and connect with other teachers from other schools near you.
01: 1-Hour-Website
The 1-hour website is a great starting point for teaching your first class about coding , download these resource to have everything you ned to get started.
03: About CodeJIKA
CodeJIKA.org is a FUN and FREE coding program for high-schools.Our mission is to create awesome experiences, cool online tools and fun curriculum to support the youth of today and leaders of tomorrow. CodeJIKA.org is a social impact project driven by Code for Change, supporters & partners.
05: CodeJIKA Partners – Building an Eco-system in your area
Our mission is to see more high schools in Africa teaching coding. Check out our plans for the future by downloading any of the following documents below.